Monday, June 1, 2015

Fox News Still Has Problems

Fox News continues to blackout Rand Paul in their poll coverage

Nick Morpus
, Rare Contributor

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Once again, Fox News forgot to include Sen. Rand Paul in their coverage of a new 2016 presidential poll, even though the senator outperformed other candidates mentioned and the survey cited made Paul a significant part of their original headline.
Quinnipiac released a poll today featuring the headline “Five Leaders In 2016 Republican White House Race, Quinnipiac University National Poll Finds; Rubio, Paul Are Only Republicans Even Close To Clinton.” Yet in Fox News’ coverage, Paul apparently didn’t register enough to justify being shown on the broadcast of the poll.
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In the poll, Rand Paul polled at 7 percent, ahead of Sen. Ted Cruz who received 6 percent.
But Cruz was featured in Fox News’ coverage of the poll.
Instead of mentioning Rand Paul’s competitiveness against Hillary Clinton (Paul and Rubio paired better against the former Secretary of State than any other Republicans), Fox left Paul’s name out to focus on lower-tier performers Donald Trump and John Kasich.
MSNBC covered the same Quinnipiac poll on Thursday, but included the full top seven performers, cutting off their graphic after Cruz.
Screen Shot 2015-05-28 at 2.30.34 PMMSNBC “Morning Joe”/Screenshot
Instead of leaving Paul off of their coverage, MSNBC decided to not show candidates with substantially lower polling scores, focusing primarily on the top tier candidates.
For those who are unfamiliar with this tendency of pretending Paul does not exist in Fox News’ poll coverage, two weeks ago, the news channel conducted an in-house poll that pitted 2016 Republican hopefuls against Hillary Clinton. Somehow in their quest for numbers to crunch, the news agency failed to ask poll participants their opinions on a Paul v. Clinton match-up and left him off of their poll completely.
fox image 2Fox News/Screenshot
Despite this Fox News survey blackout, Paul polled significantly high against Hillary Clinton in states such as New HampshireColorado, and Iowa.
In early May Fox News put Paul’s name last although he was the highest polling candidate among the four featured.
rand poll foxFox News/Screenshot
That’s three snubs for Paul in May alone.
Is ignoring Paul’s polling numbers beginning to become a pattern for Fox News?


Wednesday, May 20, 2015

Live on the Senate floor Rand Paul on the NSA/Patriot Act

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Thursday, May 14, 2015

5 Reasons The Average American Should Support Rand Paul

Supporting a candidate takes a lot of work. When I first learned about who Rand Paul was as a candidate there were 5 things that stuck out to me. 5 things he says he will do, and these things are something every American should get behind. I will not list everything I support about Rand, but these are the top 5 reason the average American (me) should support Rand Pal for President of the United States.

1. Rand Paul has been a leader in the fight to stop illegal NSA spying on American citizens. He believes every American has the constitutional right to privacy, and now the highest court agrees. He says he will immediately end the bulk data collection, and NSA spying and make it at the order of a judge.

2. Rand support term limits, and government reform. He believes in new beginnings, and new ideas. He believes the Congress should not pass a law they do not live under themselves.

3. Rand supports our second amendment rights. He will uphold the Bill of Rights, and will not support gun control, but gun reform.

4. Rand Paul supports reforming the criminal justice system. He will ease the burden on tax payers, fix the broken criminal justice system, and break the cycle of incarceration for no violent ex-offenders.

5. He stands with Israel. He is proud of it too. The longtime friends of America, Israel, and ally in the Middle East. We need to stand for Israel, and defeat the enemies that murder Israeli citizens first through sanctions.

These are 5 reason you should support him, and let me tell you there are 5 more. To see all of his stances on issues visit here.

What Is Your Problem Fox News?

Alright, I need to rant a little. I used to be a Fox News viewer. I know. As of recent I have realized at the young age of 18 that it was a mistake. First, they never show a thing about Rand Paul. I have seen two interviews ever live. Other than the interviews, they really show nothing.

Next, they leave him completely out of the polls. Here is a prime example.

My guess is that they polled on Rand, but just decided the results were too strong in his favor. As most already know Rand is known for beating Hillary or being close behind in every poll I have seen.

Recently I have started watching CNN and MSNBC. Yeah, I know. Let me tell you. CNN and MSNBC both talk about Rand more. MSNBC even went on to compliment the fact that he stays strong on issues such as Iraq.

So why is Rand Paul's name being left off of Fox News? I tend to believe they find him a threat and not conservative enough. Sorry. We believe in Liberty.

Rand Paul's Comments On George Stephanopoulos

Following the recent breaking news that George S. have not donated once but three times to the Clinton campaign, Rand Paul has recently came out to discuss his view on the situation of George S. moderating the Republican debates.

Rand Paul simply stated that the donations by Stephanopoulous should preclude him from moderating any debates in the 2016 presidential campaign.
“It’s impossible to divorce yourself from that, even if you try,” Mr. Paul said. “I just think it’s really, really hard because he’s been there, so close to them, that there would be a conflict of interest if he tried to be a moderator of any sort.”
The remarks came after it was released that George S. had given up to 50,000 dollars since 2013.

What Really is Filibustering?

Dr. Rand Paul is known for a tool that really gets his point across. Filibustering. Most people that do not follow politics regularly do not know what the Senates most aggravating tool really is.
By definition a filibuster is an idea in which a member of the Senate takes over the rule of unlimited debate. The Senator also refuses to yield the floor for a expended period of time. The debate does not even have to be about the topic at hand, you can talk about fried chicken for that matter.

During Paul's last filibuster on Mr. Brennan; he brought up President Obama's foreign policy, and drone policy. 

To some it may surprise that a filibuster is not even brought up in the Constitution. It has been used for years, but an amendment has not even been brought up in recent years. There is a rule though that if the Senate garners 60 votes the filibuster can be stopped. It is very rare though for that to happen.

The point of this post if Senator Rand Paul is preparing to filibuster the Patriot Act. We do not know how long this will last but know Mr. Paul it could go another 13-15 hours. 

Are filibusters okay? It is not for me to decided, but what does everyone else think.


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Wednesday, May 13, 2015

Well....this is awkward.

Rand Paul's Comments On Jeb Bush's Iraq Strategy

Rand Paul recently made a rare TV. appearance....but he made it count. Rand Paul answered a question on what he thinks he would have done if he would have been President during the 9/11 attacks, and the operation to deploy troops in IRAQ.
Rand stated that “mistakes were made” he didn’t want to get into hypothetical questions of what he would have done at the time. 
Rand also told the CNN anchor that the question isn’t “just hypothetical,” adding that “invading Iraq was a mistake.” 
“It’s a really important question and I don’t think it’s just hypothetical. We seem to have a recurring question in the Middle East whether not it’s a good idea to topple a secular strong man or secular dictators and what happens after that,” Paul told the CNN host. “Hillary Clinton’s war in Libya was the same scenario. We toppled [Muammar] Gaddafi, a secular dictator, but we got chaos and the rise of radicals Islam and I think we’re more threatened now. I think the same was true of Saddam Hussein.”“I think Iran is now stronger and emboldened. In many ways, Iraq is sort of a vassal state to Iran. We worry about Iran getting a nuclear weapon. So I think we’re a lot worse off with Hussein gone. There’s a civil war going on there. We were also making the mistake to try to degraded Assad, because as we degraded the strong man Assad, ISIS grew,” Paul said. “So I think there’s a consistent theme here that every candidate should be asked, and that is is it a go ahead idea to go into the Middle East, topple governments and hope something better rises out of the chaos because recent history seems to show that, you know what, we’re not getting something better, we’re getting something worse.”“I think, even at the time invading Iraq was a mistake and I thought the war even at the time was a mistake given the intelligence, but now, I think that people should learn their lesson after the war in Libya,” Paul said. “Everybody needs to be asked — all the Republicans should be asked, did you and do you support Hillary’s war in Libya. And so I think as these questions get asked, we really get to the answer of who Republicans want to lead the country, who do Americans want to lead the country. Someone who will perpetually get us involved in foreign war over there when the result is not to America’s best interest, or someone who will be more reluctant. I think that will be one of our big debates over the next year.” 


Hey everyone! I know that I may not be able to directly affect Rand Paul in any way but I believe that he is the guy for the job. I know that it takes a lot of work to elect someone you suit best as President of the United States.

I learned about who Rand Paul was about 2 months ago. This is my first election I can vote in....yes I am 18. The minute I watched his campaign announcement I saw something different in who he is. He is someone who not only wants change, but will do whatever it takes. Now you may be thinking that every politician says what they want you to hear. For me though, something about Rand is different. I can say I believe him. That is rare to say to any politician.

The issues are the most important thing in any election. Rand Paul is

* focused on cutting spending
* ending the now UNCONSTITUTIONAL NSA spying
* setting term limits on all politicians. New Idea's. New Beginnings.
* reform the tax code completely
* free market healthcare
* make it easier to develop cheap and clean energy
* legal immigration is celebrated
* reform the criminal justice system
* end common core, and give control to the states
* support Israel no matter what
* reform social security, and make it stronger
* provide for Veterans. no excuses
* sanctity of life
* 2nd amendment, we have the right to bear arms.

We are not here to attack Jeb Bush, or Hillary Clinton. We do not want to bog down Cruz, or Rubio. We are here to support our guy. We will be real, unbiased, and informatative. I hope you join us on this journey. The journey of Liberty.
