Dr. Rand Paul is known for a tool that really gets his point across. Filibustering. Most people that do not follow politics regularly do not know what the Senates most aggravating tool really is.
By definition a filibuster is an idea in which a member of the Senate takes over the rule of unlimited debate. The Senator also refuses to yield the floor for a expended period of time. The debate does not even have to be about the topic at hand, you can talk about fried chicken for that matter.
During Paul's last filibuster on Mr. Brennan; he brought up President Obama's foreign policy, and drone policy.
To some it may surprise that a filibuster is not even brought up in the Constitution. It has been used for years, but an amendment has not even been brought up in recent years. There is a rule though that if the Senate garners 60 votes the filibuster can be stopped. It is very rare though for that to happen.
The point of this post if Senator Rand Paul is preparing to filibuster the Patriot Act. We do not know how long this will last but know Mr. Paul it could go another 13-15 hours.
Are filibusters okay? It is not for me to decided, but what does everyone else think.
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